I had a very hectic schedules lately, i havent had do any exercise to maintain my healthness and body shape. I miss my bikram yoga so muuuccchhhh :(
But i also feel blessed by things that happened to me lately, it was over da top and unbelievable but Allah answers my pray with Allah's own way :)
But i also feel blessed by things that happened to me lately, it was over da top and unbelievable but Allah answers my pray with Allah's own way :)
ALhamdulillah the show went great last nite. Thx to all my frens who were coming, to all da support and love. Speechless. Here are few pics from da show. And happy bday Grand Indonesia :)
keren Ya!!
selamat yaaa...
kapan bikin album? :p
insya Allah Juli ini launching mini-albumnya. Doain yah nandooo :)
siiiiip :-bd
jgn lupa siap2 ngasih tanda tangan klo ketemu ya..hihihihi
oh ya, bilangin ama om Keith, klo mau bikin rumah di Indonesia, aku aj yang meng-arsitek-i Ya :p :)
wooot wooot that ma gurrlll!!!
akan kutunggu
album mu sohyl
sukses selalu :D
Tulisannya besar-besar.
Handwritingnya tulisannya juga besar, dan menyukai tanda seru :-)
It has a meaning, referring to what the graphotologist revealed this morning. :-)
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