Wednesday, May 19, 2010

recording session day 2

Today was pretty exhausting. I was only sleeping for like 3hrs. sigh... Got up early and my first destination was to Metro Tv, did some casting and met up with Prabu and Tomtjok. Memory flashed a bit but yea i control errthangs with a big heart and open mind :) After that we went to the casablanca apt to pick Keith and Unique up. We stopped by to Senci for a quick BK takeaway then went straight to da brotherland studio. We were working on my 2nd single, titled as "U HAVE NO IDEA" and daaayyymmnnn yess indeed, i have no freaking idea of wut am i doing there, hahahahaaaa.... Somehow, i managed to finish the record successfully alhamdulillah but i do think that i need a proper vocal-training. Keith was helping me a lot with da whole things. SEVENSOUL members were also there, they were meeting up with Keith and also trying to give me a positive support. Thx guys!!! After recording, we had radio interview with LITE 105,8 FM, surprisingly kang 'RICK JO' was the 1 who intvwd us, which means good, He's my favorite bro :) The intvw went really well, after that we had dinner at bebek bali Haji Nawi, near to my place. And now gotta hit da bed soon cuz tomorrow will be another long day for me.


yansta said...

u can do iiittt !!!
semangaaattt!.. awas ya males2an!! :p

Soraya Hylmi said...

ahahahaaaayyyyy i am on fiyaaaaahhh!!!
bsk hrs dtg, u'r my gurrrlll :))