Sunday, June 15, 2014

No More 'FIX YOU'

I just bought the latest album from Coldplay, 'Ghost Stories'.

I used to twit about how I would feel when hearing the latest Coldplay album, post the divorce of Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow. They broke my heart so bad but we are all a human being after all. Coldplay has brought me to another level of enjoying music in a soothing way.

Chris martin's character is the main key to this band. How they inspire people throughout their musical quality and their ability to communicate to their listener through their songs and lyrics.

I love COLDPLAY so much, no doubt about it. It's really heartbreaking when you love something so much that you picture it so perfect in your eyes -but once the story is broken- it is the end of the world.

Here is my twit about Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow's divorce :

Hahahaha yeaappp that was from the deepest sorrow inside me :'D
I almost cry but I didn't (Thank God),
Because it'll be so silly for me to cry hahahaha...
So usually I just buy one song to hear the sample about how the album will sound like. The first "Ghost Stories" song that I bought was : A Sky Full Of Stars.

That song is amazing! I instantly fell in love to the sultry voice of Martin and amazing musical quality. Then I decided to buy the next song : MAGIC. And they were not lying about the title, the song is seriously magical. Eventhough I knew that I started to feel funny tingly feeling on my heart when I put the song on repeat.
I feel sad and brokenhearted but somehow feel happy inside. Coldplay stays genius and even magical than before. And I was soooo thankful that I didn't feel any depression when listen to those two songs by far.

So I decided to buy the full album. I started listen to each and every song.
Oceans is one great acoustic song (not like typical shady acoustic songs in coffeeshop), this is CLASSY acoustic.
True Love somehow made me visualizing the image of Martin & Paltrow infront of me sitting side by side and they were so muuccchh in love... (This when I started to realize this album is not just another album).

Another's Arm is making everything clearer about how much Chris is missing Gwyneth. And I couldn't help the tears to come out but I kept listening to the end. Ink is an interesting way to say how much LOVE HURTS him but he is grateful to have the memories with her.

Always in My Head taught us about the definition of real love and its promises. Never forget the memories.
Midnight is one of my favorite, his falseto really brought the peace in me, and I suggest you to listen to this one particular song with closed-eyes. TRUST ME. Thank me later. And you are very welcome. Hahaha.

And lastly, I got mesmerized by O (hidden track). Tears and tears and tears later.. Chris Martin taught us a huge lesson about LOVE. This song is too beautiful. This song is masterpiece. 
Thank you for the tears, thank you for crying with all of us through your songs.
Ghost stories ain't that scary no more.

A flock of birds
Hovering above
Just a flock of birds
That's how you think of love

And I always
Look up to the sky
Pray before the dawn
'Cause they fly always
Sometimes they arrive
Sometimes they
are gone
They fly on

A flock of birds
Hovering above
Into smoke I'm turned
And rise following them up

Still I always
Look up to the sky
Pray before the dawn
'Cause they fly away
One minute they arrive,
Next you know they're gone
They fly on
Fly on

So fly on
Ride through
Maybe one day I'll fly next to you

Monday, June 9, 2014

Debat Kusir atau Debat (Rebutan) Kursi?

Kacau amat debat capres-cawapres hahahaha walopun jujur hati terdalam perih dan miris melihat debat kusir yang ditayangkan kemarin malam.

Indonesia ku makin drama. Makin melankolis. Lucunya kritik saya terhadap sang moderator debat pun sempat ditanggapi sinis oleh teman saya sendiri dan reaksi saya cukup meninggalkan salah paham. 
Freedom writings membuat semua merasa BENAR dengan statement masing-masing. Luasnya sosial media mempermudah akses bacot bagi para awam (termasuk saya si aktivis bacot).
Tapi yah kita semua hidup di era reformasi (katanya) dalam lingkungan bertata negara yang demokratis.
Semua berhak mengeluarkan pendapatnya, tidak ada yang salah apalagi BENAR.

Masih banyak pekerjaan rumah yang minus besar. 
Boro-boro mau memikirkan masalah negara..
 Apalagi naik kelas dari ujian hidup.

Cuma mereka yang berkata "Sudahlah peduli apa kamu? Toh kamu bukan politisi jadi jangan ngomong politik!" Adalah mereka yang tergolong rombongan berpikiran sempit.
Apa rasanya saya kembalikan kata-kata tersebut ke sang moderator "Sudahlah bapak cuma akademisi terhormat di UGM, enggak usah naik panggung sebagai host/moderator, bukan jatah bapak!" ----- Gampang kan dikembalikan omongan tersebut? Gampang memang tapi TIDAK BERKELAS.
MAAF NIH YAH, saya bukan orang yang berpikiran sempit. Saya hanya bersuara pada tempatnya dan porsinya saya serta kapabilitas saya sebagai individu.

Sampeyan mau belajar jadi host yah bagus.. Sangat bagus.
Tuntutlah ilmu setinggi langit.
Tapi ada pelajaran penting yang dipetik tadi malam ; KPU harus introspeksi bahwasanya debat semalam adalah panggung besar dan seorang Bapak Terhormat dari UGM tadi malam cukup demam panggung dan bukanlah kapasitasnya untuk memimpin debat kusir tersebut. Terlepas dari alibi katanya situasi chaos didalam studio, tetap saja ada teknik untuk meredam massa dalam ilmu presenting and communication.

Pilihlah orang yang tepat sesuai dengan kapasitas dan jabatan serta gelarnya.
Sebagai akademisi harus kita acungi jempol bagi beliau.
Tapi ibaratnya KONSER SLANK/IWAN FALS, butuh skill tertentu dan MC spesial yang bisa mengendalikan Slankers dan OI tersebut. Ilmu pasti bisa dicari tapi kharisma adalah skill yang terdapat pada individu-individu istimewa saja.

Bagaimana mau menentukan presiden yang baik kalo milih moderator aja masih abu-abu?


Kalo salah yah ngaku salah aja, kalo bagus pasti kelak akan ada yang memuji dengan sendirinya kok.
Masih enak dikritik yang membangun daripada dihina-hina enggak jelas sama alay sosial media.
Saya kerap mendapat "KAK AYA GENDOT BANGET" tiap saya muncul di televisi nasional dibandingkan dapat kritik membangun seperti "kurang pinter nih mba nya. Kurang berisi/berbobot jawabannya / bawain acaranya."

Trust me, once you received cynical-ALAY comments, you will feel grateful for the critical ones. I am not a hater, absolutely have nothing against the moderator. I have all my respect to his achievements from all his life and also his attempt to handle the talkshow last night.

Masih mau bilang saya DRAMA QUEEN?
Silahkan berkaca dan introspeksi berjamaah :)


Salam hormat,
Soraya Hylmi (lulusan SMA).